I had such a good time away I want to go again.
I did loads of things which I had never done before. I went on a pony trek which took us up a hill that over looked the lake. The views were outstanding. No sure if I liked the horse riding or may be it was because the horse didn't like me. The poor horse was squashed for the first half hour because I was squeezing it tightly and holding on for dear life. I did relax a bit until it started trotting. I also think my horse, which was called Smoky had a eating disorder every time we start it would starting chomping away, it even did it while we were walking.
Toward the end of the trek my horse must have been really thirsty, maybe it wanted wash down the food it had been eating. It trotted into the stable with me hanging on being bounced all over the place like a ragged doll, and bullied two other horse out of the way and picked a fight with another to get a drink.
The whole thing was most amusing and I and everyone else enjoyed it.
It was also quite funny to watch people get down from their horses, most were walking like John Wayne.
The place we trekked with is Llangorse climbing and rope centre and pony trekking. http://www.activityuk.com/gallery_skytrek.php
I will tell more what went on late as I don't want to make this to long.
Sam X