The fact that it was 2 weeks before I figured out that after James had fallen asleep on me after a feed, that I could put him down in his mosses basket. I was worried that I would wake him up, so used to sit with him on the sofa not moving, until I began ache.
The way after I had feed him he would need winding and if he had fallen asleep he would curl himself around my arm like a little hedgehog.
If he wanted feed he would snuffle like a pig on my chest, like a pig finding truffles (little truffle pig).
His first proper food was a rusk in milk, which he had at 4 months. Katie feed him his first banana because I hate bananas, it is one of his favourites now. He first yoghurt was strawberry and he had it at a Roman fort on Hadrians wall.
When he was 6 months old Colleen tried to juggle with him and dropped him on his head. It gave him a black eye.
Up until he was four months old he growled a lot.
After a fed even if he was asleep, when he was finished he would stretch he little arms and curl his legs into an S shape.
Up until 4 months every time he was winded after a feed he was sick everywhere. Not only did we carry spare clothes for James around with us, but also spare for John and I. We use to cover all the surrounding surfaces with muslim cloths, then one under his neck, plus a bid. You never saw the nice clothes he was wearing because he had a bib on. At 4 months we started to fed him, use a small spoonful of rusk and milk after that the being sick stopped and so did the whining. I guess he either had a milk colic or he was hungry all the time.
The way it took us a while to pluck up the nerve to bath him when we first got him home. He had a bath at the hospital and screamed all the way through it. We had a go about 2 weeks after we got him home. We did the temperature that is recommended, still he screamed. The next bath we did we ran the water warmer and he loved it and has loved water every since.
Due to me and James having to stop an extra night in the hospital we ran out of baby clothes. John had to go to Asda and get some before he visited us. He also bought a blue blanket.
Before he was crawling, he used to commando shuffle backwards. John and I would leave the room for a few minutes and when we return we would find him sat up in a different place. We knew he could get about but didn't realise he could sit himself up. Was quite a while before we caught him doing it.
This is all I can think off at the moment.
Off to Bristol this weekend for wine tasting.