We are going on a Gruffalo hunt. We are going to catch a big one.
Yesterday we decided we needed to blow away the cobwebs and get outside. So we/I wrapped up in as many layers we could find, grabbed our wellies on and headed to the woods (Snipe Dales) with the intention of finding a Gruffalo.
My sister had printed off pictures from the Gruffalo book and hid them around the woods. Armed with buckets, sticks and a big bag of Haribo off we set. Col reciting the book as we went. The kids soon got into the swing of it, racing each other to collect the pictures first. Tired legs and bumps from falling over trees and in mud were soon forgotten about with a quick administration of Haribo. Sticks (the bigger the better) were there to poke frozen puddles, leaves, holes and each other. Buckets quickly filled important things like leaves, stones, galls, and in James case any litter he found.
I have forgotten how nice it is to go out and just let James and Marley explore and play. They quite happily entertained themselves looking at world around them taking their time going at their own pace. It did us all the world of good. A really nice day.
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