So for the last few weeks we have had pets in our household. 5 tiny tiny catapillers in begin with. Both Penny and James have been totally fascinated by them, checking them every day, looking at how much them have eaten, pooped, grown. Penny made and painted a house for them to be transfered into once them had made their cystitis. Unfortunately, one of the catapillers didn't make it so we were left with 4. By golly they eat, no wonder my cabbages have suffered.
When the first butterfly emerged as instructed we put some sugar water is the bottom of the box. Unfortunately, the butterfly seemed to get the sticky stuff on its wings and struggled to fly. We let him every go with the hope it would survive.
When the next one was released it stayed in the garden for a bit. Penny was thrilled she was able to watch on the flowers. The next two however suffered, upon release one was promptly eaten by a sparrow much to James and my horror. The other was last seen being chased by a sparrow. James was quite put out by it and upset. Penny however was very excited and eager to tell John what hado happened. Tried to explain to James about the birds feeding the baby birds with it and that's how they survive. His response was he would rather have lots of butterflies than birds.
At times life sucks.
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